
Journal articles with peer-review

in preprint & under review

Hollenbenders, Y., Maier, C, & Reichenbach, A. (in preparation). Reproducibility of electroencephalography alpha band biomarkers for diagnosis of major depressive disorder.

Wang-Nöth, L., Heiler, P., Huang, H., Lichtenstern, D., Reichenbach, A., Flacke, L., Maisch, L., & Mayer, H. (under review). How Many Data are Enough? Optimization of Data Collection for Artifact Detection in EEG Recordings. preprint on arXiv repository.

King, S., Hollenbenders, Y., & Reichenbach, A. (under review). Efficient synthesis of 3D MR images for schizophrenia diagnosis classification with generative adversarial networks. preprint on medRxiv.


Knaup, P., Bendl, R., Eisenmann, U., Hastenteufel, M., & Reichenbach, A. (2024). Managing the transition from tradition to innovation of the Heidelberg/Heilbronn Medical Informatics Master Program. Applied Clinical Informatics, doi: 10.1055/a-2482-9071.


Carrle, F.*, Hollenbenders, Y.*, & Reichenbach, A. (2023). Generation of synthetic EEG data for training algorithms supporting the diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, 1219133.

Hollenbenders, Y., Pobiruchin, M., & Reichenbach, A. (2023). Two routes to Alzheimer’s disease based on differential structural changes in key brain regions. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 92(4), 1399-1412. 📎 <news article incl. radio interview (German)>


Reichenbach, A., Urgen, B.M., Apostolakis, S., Michlin, L., & Diedrichsen, J. (2022). Factors governing the assignment of visual consequence to the corresponding action. Journal of Neurophysiology, 127(3), 756-766.


Krasniqi, E., Schramm, W., & Reichenbach, A. (2021). Data-driven Stratification of Parkinson’s Disease Patients Based on the Progression of Motor and Cognitive Disease Markers. GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, 17(1), doi: 10.3205/mibe000218.


Mehler, D. M. A., Reichenbach, A., Klein, J., & Diedrichsen, J. (2017). Minimizing endpoint variability through reinforcement learning during reaching movements involving shoulder, elbow and wrist. PloS one12(7), e0180803.


Franklin, D. W.*, Reichenbach, A.*, Franklin, S., & Diedrichsen, J. (2016). Temporal evolution of spatial computations for visuomotor control. Journal of Neuroscience36(8), 2329-2341.

Reichenbach, A., Bresciani, J. P., BĂŒlthoff, H. H., & Thielscher, A. (2016). Reaching with the sixth sense: Vestibular contributions to voluntary motor control in the human right parietal cortex. NeuroImage124, 869-875.


Reichenbach, A., & Diedrichsen, J. (2015). Processing reafferent and exafferent visual information for action and perception. Journal of Vision15(8), 11-11.


Reichenbach, A., Franklin, D. W., Zatka-Haas, P., & Diedrichsen, J. (2014). A dedicated binding mechanism for the visual control of movement. Current Biology24(7), 780-785.

Reichenbach, A., Thielscher, A., Peer, A., BĂŒlthoff, H. H., & Bresciani, J. P. (2014). A key region in the human parietal cortex for processing proprioceptive hand feedback during reaching movements. NeuroImage84, 615-625.


Reichenbach, A., Costello, A., Zatka-Haas, P., & Diedrichsen, J. (2013). Mechanisms of responsibility assignment during redundant reaching movements. Journal of Neurophysiology109(8), 2021-2028.


Reichenbach, A., Bresciani, J. P., Peer, A., BĂŒlthoff, H. H., & Thielscher, A. (2011). Contributions of the PPC to online control of visually guided reaching movements assessed with fMRI-guided TMS. Cerebral Cortex21(7), 1602-1612.

Reichenbach, A.*, Whittingstall, K.*, & Thielscher, A. (2011). Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on visual evoked potentials in a visual suppression task. NeuroImage54(2), 1375-1384.


Thielscher, A., Reichenbach, A., Uğurbil, K., & Uludağ, K. (2010). The cortical site of visual suppression by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Cerebral Cortex20(2), 328-338.


Reichenbach, A., Thielscher, A., Peer, A., BĂŒlthoff, H. H., & Bresciani, J. P. (2009). Seeing the hand while reaching speeds up on‐line responses to a sudden change in target position. The Journal of Physiology587(19), 4605-4616.

*equal contribution

Conference articles with peer-review


Baracho Dittrich, P. & Reichenbach, A. (2025, accepted). Research Ethics for Data Collection from Human Participants – Case Study and Recommendations. In HCI International 2025.

Hollenbenders, Y., Carrle, F., & Reichenbach, A. (2025, submitted). Perks and Pitfalls of EEG Biomarker Modeling Based on Depression Severity. In 2025 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI).

MĂ€hler, R. & Reichenbach, A. (2025, submitted). Beyond the Label “Major Depressive Disorder”– Detailed Characterization of Study Population Matters for EEG-Biomarker Research. In 2025 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI).


Ziegler, S., Maier, C., & Reichenbach, A. (2020, November). Stratification of patients with Alzheimer’s disease based on longitudinal neuropsychological tests. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.

Other journal articles


Knaup-Gregori, P. & Reichenbach, A. (eds.) (2021). Contribution of Medical Informatics to Battling Covid-19. Special issue as part of a Medical Informatics Master Seminar (winter term 2021/21), doi: 10.11588/heidok.00030621.


Invited commentary: Reichenbach, A. (2016). The detection continuum for motor control comprises preparation and adjustments. Motor Control20(2), 177-181.

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